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Chatroom Rules
  1. Multileagueing is allowed. However, Inactive Gym Leaders/Elite 4 will be replaced after 1 week of inactivity. Inactive Challengers will be dropped from Challenger Page after 2 weeks of inactivity.

  2. Follow all Smogon Rules. <--CLICK THIS--]  Violators will be warned/muted/banned(3 strike rule) at the discretion of Room Moderators.

  3. Challenger's team must be registered and approved on our website before any league battles can commence.

  4. Room Ranks are as follows:

    1. Room Owner (#): Sergeant Dolanoric, A Trusted Few (ATF), Heroic Vault & Heroic Bot

    2. Room Moderator (@): Elite 4 & Active Champion

    3. Room Driver (%): Gym Leaders

    4. Room Voice (+): Gym Trainers & Inactive Champions

Gym Rules
  1. Gym Leaders are responsible for recruiting their own Gym Trainers.

  2. All battles must be witnessed by a Room Voice, Driver, Moderator, or Owner (other than the one being battled) in order to count towards a badge.

  3. Before any battle starts, Challenger's team must be registered and approved by a Room Moderator or Owner.

  4. Challenger must use the same six pokemon throughout all League battles including Elite 4 and Champion matches.

    1. You can only alter moves, abilities, items, and EVs. 

  5. All battles must be performed in OU tier. Battles not fought within the OU tier will not count towards a badge.

Becoming a Gym Trainer:

  1. Challenger must defeat three OU teams with a monotype team of the Gym they want to be a trainer of.

    1. Challenger must use same six pokemon throughout all three battles.

      1. ​You can only alter moves, abilities, items, and EVs.

  2. ​Challenger must win 2/3 battles in order to be victorious.

  3. There is a two-a-day limit on how many times a Challenger can tryout to become a Gym Trainer.

Challenging a Gym Leader:

  1. ​Challenger must defeat at least one Gym Trainer from that Gym with a score of at least 1-0 before challenging the Gym Leader.

    1. Battles ending in a draw will be deemed a victory for the Gym Trainer.

  2. To earn a badge, Challenger must defeat Gym Leader with a score of at least 1-0.

    1. Battles ending in a draw will be deemed a victory for the Gym Leader.

  3. Earned badges will be updated on the Challenger page on a daily basis.

    1. Challengers SHOULD NOT PM Room Mods or Owner to have their progress updated.

      1. Challenger Progress is updated daily. Challengers are asked to wait at least 2 days before filing a complaint about updates.

    2. Daily badge wins will be communicated by the Gym Leaders/Room Mods to the Site Manager/Room Owner.

  4. There is no limit to how many times a Challenger can challenge the same Gym Trainer.

  5. There is a one-a-day limit on how many times a Challenger can challenge the same Gym Leader.

Becoming a Gym Leader:

  1. Challenger must defeat three monotype teams with a monotype team of the Gym they want to be a leader of.

    1. Challenger must use same six pokemon throughout all three battles.

      1. ​You can only alter moves, abilities, items, and EVs.

    2. Battle 1 will be against a type that the Gym is weak against.

    3. Battle 2 will be against a type that the Gym is not very effective against.

    4. Battle 3 will be against the same type as the Gym.

  2. ​Challenger must end all three battles with a total score of at least 12/18 regardless of W/L ratio in order to be victorious.

  3. There is a one-a-day limit on how many times a Challenger can tryout to become a Gym Leader.

Replacing a Gym Leader:

  1. Challenger must defeat at least one Gym Trainer with a score of at least 1-0 in order to challenge Gym Leader for position.

    1. Battles ending in a draw will be deemed a victory for the Gym Leader.

  2. Challenger must then BOTH defeat the current Gym Leader 2/3 times AND have a score of at least 15/18.​

    1. Challenger and Gym Leader must use same six pokemon throughout all 3 battles.

      1. ​Both can only alter moves, abilities, items, and EVs.

    2. Both teams must be the same monotype, specifically the type of the Gym in question.

  3. There is a once-a-week limit on how many times a Challenger can tryout to be replace a Gym Leader.

  4. Defeated Gym Leaders can opt to become the new Gym Leader's Trainer without having to tryout.

Elite 4 & Champion Rules
  1. All battles must be witnessed by a Room Moderator or Owner (other than the one being battled) in order to count towards a victory.

  2. Gym Leaders are allowed to be both Gym Leaders and Elite 4, but must have different teams for each.

  3. All Champions will be entered into the Hall of Heroes with their winning team.

  4. Challengers must have at least 8 badges before being able to challenge the Elite 4.

  5. Challenger, E4, and Champion must use the same six pokemon throughout all battles.

    1. Only moves, abilities, items, and EVs can be altered. 

  6. The Active Champion can only be challenged after the Challenger has defeated the Elite 4 and the victories have been confirmed.

Becoming/Replacing an Elite 4 Master

  1. Four Elite 4 Tournaments will be held monthly to determine the current Elite 4 Masters.

  2. Only current Gym Leaders and Gym Trainers at the time of each Tournament are eligible to participate.

  3. Tournament winners will become Elite 4 Masters.

    1. E4 Master positions last one month, until they are replaced at the monthly E4 Tournaments.

Becoming/Replacing a Champion

  1. Challengers must have defeated the Elite 4 before challenging the Active Champion.

  2. Challengers must defeat the Active Champion with a score of at least 1-0 in order to be dubbed a Champion.

    1. Battles ending in a draw will be deemed a victory for the Active Champion.

  3. After defeating the current Active Champion, the victorious Challenger becomes the new Active Champion.

    1. After their defeat, the current Active Champion becomes an Inactive Champion.

      1. Inactive Champions are recorded in the Hall of Heroes.

    2. Badge Progress is reset to zero after becoming an Active Champion.

Battle Frontier Rules
  1. Battle Tower

    1. Challenger can choose between 1v1, 2v2, or 3v3.

    2. Once the Challenger has chosen either 1v1, 2v2 or 3v3:

      1. A Dice will be rolled to determine whether the challenger will use a random team or a team of their choice. 

    3. Challenger must defeat Frontier Brain the following times in order to win a Frontier Symbol.

      1. 3 wins: Bronze Frontier Symbol

      2. 5 wins: Silver Frontier Symbol

      3. 7 wins: Gold Frontier Symbol

  2. Battle Factory

  3. Battle Arcade

  4. Battle Castle

  5. Battle Hall


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